On the use of Austrian fabrics. Revisited.

Portrait and self-portrait with "Kopftuch" (headscarf), Den Haag 2018.

The "Kopftuch" has mainly been worn by Austrian farmers - usually women -
to protect their heads from sun and rain. It is still being used and even in cities
it is occasionally worn as a fashionable accessory.

Trachtenstoffe are a set of fabrics specifically used for the production of typical
Austrian Tracht (attire), such as the widely known Dirndl, for example.
They are mostly made of cotton or linen. Especially the fabrics used for skirts
and aprons come in a variety of colors, patterns and symbols.
These are widely standardized and each region in Austria has its own recognizable  “fabric code“.

Original draping of the Austrian "Flügelhaube" (pinner) or "Schwalbenschwanz" (swallow tail),
commonly worn in the Alpine foothills area in Austria from the 19th century until today.

Temporary installation, 250 cm x 150 cm, fabric on plywood and 2 C-prints on cardboard (Den Haag 2018).

(Austria / NL, 2018)